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- Naturalmente Gentleman Urban Legend Cologne Köln 100ml
NaturalmenteNaturalmente Gentleman Urban Legend Cologne Köln 100ml
Gentleman URBAN LEGEND COLOGNE . With its enveloping aroma enriched with Aloe, Rosehip and Helichrysum, it makes the post-shave phase pleasant with woody notes.
The birth of Cologne, which has always been a symbol of elegance and refinement, dates back to the end of the 17th century, when the Piedmontese Giovanni Paolo Feminis, who had moved to Germany (in Cologne, the city from which it takes its name) invented the now famous perfumed water, which was soon exported all over the world, and whose original recipe still remains a mystery today.
Toote andmed
- Bränd:Naturalmente
- Kategooriad:
- Juhised:
The first thing to do in order to make the best use of URBAN LEGEND COLOGNE natural cologne is to understand where it should be applied, which are the points on which it is best to insist. The advice is to apply it on the hottest points, those where you can most easily feel your heartbeat: the warmth of your body, in fact, allows the fragrance to diffuse for a longer period of time. It is therefore a good idea to spray it on your neck after shaving, but also on your wrists and chest, as you usually do with perfume. In addition, you can apply it behind the ears using a finger, i.e. without spraying it directly. The important thing is not to overdo it, as too strong a smell may be annoying for those around you.
Seotud kategooriad
- Naistele
- Koduhooldus
- Maniküüri- ja pediküüritarvikud
- Näokosmeetika
- Näohooldus meestele
- Aroomiteraapia
- Juuksevärvid